St Marys Primary School Berserker entry wall signage

Buildings, uniform, publications, website, signage…all these contribute to a parent’s first impressions of a school. The one element that all these have in common is a school crest or logo. A logo is indisputably the face of a school, and strong and consistent logo use is essential to its reputation.

Often, school crests and logos are full of symbolism and tradition, such as the crest of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School in Berserker. This lovely image suggests Mary and her child, symbolising the care and love of mother to son, and representing the importance of family in this school community. Delicately sculpted by hand using durable materials, the logo and letters are 3-dimensional, creating a solid and authentic feel. The school slogan, “To Love and Serve” is included in an unobtrusive white.

Danthonia partners with schools every day to create signs with brand-consistent logos. Each of our signs strives to be an accurate, strategically placed and visually beautiful showcase of your brand.

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