Mount Burr Primary School changeable sign

Mount Burr Primary School recently revamped their school logo and branding, creating a perfect opportunity for upgrading their front entry sign. We were commissioned by the school principal to design and supply a unique, three-dimensional sign with a lockable magnetic message cabinet.

Mount Burr is a timber town in South Australia, about 50k north-east of Mount Gambier. The town grew around a large sawmill which employed many, but shut down at the beginning of this century. The town is still surrounded by tree plantations and the main employers are paper manufacturers. Its name is taken from Mount Burr, a nearby extinct volcano.

Being a small-town school, Mount Burr PS serves as a community centre for sport, recreation, after-hours child care and events, as well as providing a quality government education to the town’s children. The durable notice board will allow staff to communicate easily with parents and community.

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