Harrison School signs

Harrison School is one of the ACT’s largest and most impressive public schools. Harrison School’s memorable buildings by architects May + Russell house specialised facilities including a dance studio, junior and senior performing arts, gym, preschool and more.

Recently, Harrison School staff noticed the lack of a comprehensive system to help visitors find their way around the large and sometimes complex grounds. The school enlisted Danthonia to help provide a solution. The campus has a central “street” running from preschool at one end to the senior school at the other, providing a natural base for an effective signage strategy. A series of map signs and streetpole directional signs guide visitors along the “street” to key destinations. Each building has a colour coded ID sign which corresponds to colour coding on the maps and directional signs.

The signage suite includes an electronic sign at the drop-off zone near administration. This sign’s unique design is based off of the windmill-inspired logo. The sign’s P6 resolution full-colour screen displays images and messages to parents as they drop their kids off each day.

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